LTDS continued to work in various summer projects including the ETD system, meeScan and various preservation systems related projects. The team also started closing out various projects for the fiscal year and Jodie presented the final LTDS update session until August.
As we look forward to exciting changes and new opportunities during fiscal year 2020, we would like know if you have a topic you would like covered during a monthly update sessions, or if you have a project that we can help with during the coming months.
- Alma/Primo
- Created ScholarsTrust report
- Work on grima configurations
- Desktop/Application support
- Troubleshooting and resetting wifi settings for the classroom laptops
- Airwatch
- Digital Collections
- ArchivesSpace User interface changes
- Started configuring new ETD system
- Continued work towards the Contini migration
- Web/Web applications
- Tag manager setup
- Completed work on new TVNews loan script
- Other
- Attended ALA and several associated meetings, board meetings, and council sessions.
- Completed several continuing education sessions from Library Juice
- LTDS June update session.