LTDS receives many requests for either changes to current system or new systems and services. A few of the projects being discussed are below.
- In Alma, adding user Category Type and re-organize user statistical categories for better user metrics analysis. (Tao You)
- Develop Alma Analytics dashboard for fulfillment unit, bibliographical selectors, ARL stats, etc.
- Migration to new ETD system
- Upgrade DSpace
- Increase number of resources available through catalog
- ArchivesSpace
- Institutional Repository
- Global Music Archive
- Art and the Christian tradition
- ETDs
- Migrate preservation database from MS Access to MySQL
- Migrate Copyright database to MySQL from filemaker
- Migration Fine Arts Gallery to MySQL from filemaker
Digital Preservation and Scanning
- Migrate data from the Baudelaire database
- Migrate Contini to Islandora
- Migration of Fine Arts Gallery items to JSTOR (tiffs to Islandora)
Web Management
- Migrate/Rebrand DiscoverArchive
- Update Helguera site
- Krupp Trial website
- Digital Collections site design/functionality enhancements
- Digital Collections Ingest site design enhancements
- Staff directory enhancements
- Migration to Google Tag Manager for major web properties
- Television News Archive website enhancements (complete list in Trello)
- Drafting and implementation of code standards