Recover Deleted Items in Outlook

You have been working away in your Outlook, trying to clean up space. The Delete key is a wonderful thing for this process, but suddenly you realize something. You have deleted emails you did not want to delete! Oh no! Is there anyway this can be retrieved???

Oh NO!

Well, never fear! IT is here! Deleted items are held in Recover Deleted items for 30 days before being permanently deleted. Right click the “deleted items” folder and select “recover deleted items” and choose to recover those items. Voila! You are back in business!

Microsoft Updates

Earlier this year, Microsoft pushed out an update for all of their products to address a security issue. This update is significant in size and will require some time to be applied. Please allow your computer to update. It may even restart a number of times and may take a couple of hours to complete. We apologize for the inconvenience, but this must be done to assure the security of your data. Thank you.