All of the team was back from taking vacation! Several team members spend time catching up on email and outstanding INFORM requests. The team continued to work on various summer projects and start planning for fall project priorities.
- Alma/Primo
- Preparing for upcoming acquisitions/cataloging hack-a-thon
- Work on Music library registration form
- Desktop/Application support
- Resolved several issues with systems at 21 North
- Continued renaming project
- Digital Collections
- Continued to work on new ETD submission system
- Answering questions from users concerning the current ETD system
- Modifications to the current exhibits being displayed on the Central interactive screens
- Web/Web applications
- Created new WordPress site
- Adding additional error checking for the Today’s hours script
- Other
- Development work for Wordcloud v.2
- Continued professional development though web courses.
- Documenting possible issues with the email Office 365 migration process.