During the week LTDS work on many projects, including the items below. In addition to the projects, LTDS team members worked on several search committees as well as national professional committees.
- Alma/Primo (Jamen, Tao)
- Letter customization
- Review of NERS requests
- Continued to work on user records and authentication
- Desktop/Application support (Judy, Matt, Scott, Jamen)
- Worked to deploy new Gallery Macs
- Deployed new version of FileMaker Pro while planning migration to mysql.
- Imaging new staff laptops
- Digital Collections (Nathan, Judy, Scott)
- Continued to work on Commodore scan revisions.
- Continued to ingest backlogged items
- Meet to discuss future scanner needs for the DIL
- Changes to the ArchivesSpace interface
- Web/Web applications (Jodie, Scott, Matt)
- Work on new immersion page
- Continued work on the documentation website
- LAC Feedback form
- Other (all):
- Reviewed and prepared for migrating resources to the new Ping instance.
- Training OJS editors
- ETD migration discussions with graduate school